Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion without plate fixation (ACDF)

Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion without plate fixation (ACDF)

عمل دیسک های متعدد گردن بدون استفاده از پیچ و پلاک

A 49 years old male with severe pain and numbness in both upper extremities from 3 years ago.T1 cervical MRI imaging,shows multilevel disc herniation compressing spinal cord.on image 1 cervical spine is distinguished easily compressed by disc herniations.
after evaluation of imagings,and discussions by surgery team about patient’s clinical condition,the decision was decompression of spinal cord with anterior approach and multilevel titanium cage replacement.
On image 2,the normal cervical spinal cord without evidence of compression by discs is seen,and operation successfully was done,and 1 year evaluation of spine was done recently.

عمل دیسک های متعدد گردن بدون استفاده از پیچ و پلاک

عمل دیسک های متعدد گردن بدون استفاده از پیچ و پلاک

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