


Scoliosis is a medical condition that affects the spine, causing it to curve abnormally. This condition can range from mild to severe and can have various […]

Understanding Arteriovenous Malformation in the Brain

Understanding Arteriovenous Malformation in the Brain Diagnosis, Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Modalities Arteriovenous malformation in the brain is a rare and potentially serious condition where arteries […]

Brain Metastasis: Pathophysiology, Clinical Presentation and Treatment Modalities

Abstract: Brain metastasis is a complex and challenging condition characterized by the spread of cancer cells from a primary tumor to the brain. This article provides […]

Lumbar disk disease

The human lumbar spine, like the entire spine, is an engineering marvel, uniquely evolved to support upright posture and permit a wide variety of movements. Crucial […]

Vestibular schwannoma

Vestibular schwannomas (VS) arise typically from the vestibular division of the eighth cranial nerve just within the internal auditory canal (IAC). It can be presented as […]

Symptoms of a Spinal Tumor

Symptoms of a Spinal Tumor Depending on the location and type of spinal tumor, different signs and symptoms can develop, especially as a tumor grows and […]


Spondylolisthesis Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which one bone in your back (vertebra) slides forward over the bone below it. It most often occurs in the […]


meningiuma Meningiomas are tumors that arise from the membranous layers that cover the brain and spinal cord, not from the brain tissue itself. Biologically, most meningiomas […]

Cushing’s syndrome

Cushing’s syndrome 1- 1 What is Cushing’s syndrome? Cushing’s syndrome occurs due to abnormally high levels of the hormone cortisol. This can happen for a variety […]

Cervical Disc

Cervical Disc A herniated disc occurs when the gel-like center of a spinal disc ruptures through a weak area in the tough outer wall, similar to […]


Meningioma A meningioma is a tumor that forms on membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord just inside the skull. Specifically, the tumor forms on […]

What’s the difference between sciatica and a herniated disc?

What’s the difference between sciatica and a herniated disc? Sciatica is pain originating in the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down the back […]

Link between blood sugar and brain cancer

Link between blood sugar and brain cancer Surprising link between blood sugar and brain cancer found COLUMBUS, Ohio – New research further illuminates the surprising relationship […]

Treatment of persistent depression with brain surgery

Treatment of persistent depression with brain surgery What is deep brain stimulation? DBS is a surgical procedure that involves implanting electrodes in the brain. It has […]

Cervical Osteoarthritis Vs Cervical Disc

Cervical Osteoarthritis Vs Cervical Disc Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage in a joint begins to break down and no longer facilitates smooth movement between bones, […]