Macrocephaly in children according to hydrocephalus and endoscopic surgery of third ventricle

بزرگی جمجمه در اطفال به دنبال هیدروسفالی

A 2 year old child with macro cephaly and inability to walk & talk underwent endoscopic ventricular surgery by hydrocephaly diagnosis. Patient didn’t have intraventricular septum congenitally and cerebral aqueduct was stenotic. With endoscopic surgery we dilated the altar and also opened the floor of 3rd ventricle in order to improve CSF drainage.

بزرگی جمجمه در اطفال به دنبال هیدروسفالی

بزرگی جمجمه در اطفال به دنبال هیدروسفالی

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